Sabtu, Oktober 30, 2010

Curhat dua orang sahabat.
Oleh: Edi Suwardiwijaya

Ada dua orang yang sudah lama bersahabat,yang satu seorang perempuan dan satunya lagi laki-laki. Karena sudah lama bersahabat, maka kedua orang tersebut sering curhat dan saling nasehat-menasehati dalam hal kehidupan. Kedua orang tersebut sudah berkeluarga, sehingga dalam curhatnya bukan hanya membicarakan masalah perkerjaan, juga masalah keluarga dan lainnya. Suatu hari mereka berdiskusi melalui facebook, karena mereka memang hanya bisa diskusi melalui media komunikasi sebab mereka tinggal berjauhan yang satu di bagian utara Indonesia dan satunya lagi di selatan. Berikut adalah pembicaraan mereka, yang perempuan memanggil sahabat laki-lakinya dengan sebutan Akang dan sebaliknya yang laki-laki memanggil Nona.

Nona: Kang, saya sekarang lagi suka SILENT, karena saya merasa apa yang diomongin beberapa waktu ini mengenai berbagai masalah sepertinya bukan pada orang yang tepat. Tapi saya terlanjur mempercayai dia. Kalau sudah seperti ini yang ada hanya ketakutan dan rasa pesimis yg luar biasa. Mulai terasa saya lebih sering mencurigai kebaikan orang kepada saya. Kenapa saya bisa berubah dari sosok yang ceria menjadi pendiam seperti ini?. Saya bingung cara mengembalikan karakter saya yang dulu. Ketawa sudah jarang terdengar, senyum sering dipaksakan, tapi DIAM always. Please Gift to solution for me. I am wait.

Akang: Saya pernah merasakan hal yang sama seperti apa yang dialami Nona. Waktu lalu saya merasa segala ucapan dan langkah saya selalu salah ... bahkan kadang-kadang saat berbicara dengan orang lainpun terbata-bata sehingga mengeja kata-kata atau kaliman acak-acakan atau bahkan salah ucap. Karena apa yang diucapkan tidak sama dengan apa yang dirasakan di hati serta tidak simetris dengan yang ada diotak. Ber-DIAM diri, merenung, belajar tentang diri kita sendiri dan makna hidup serta tidak banyak berkata-kata, tapi tetap bekerja/berkaya adalah jalan yang saya lakukan pada saat itu. Hasilnya adalah saya membuat Blog. Saat itu saya sedang gundah gulana banyak masalah hidup, tapi memilih tindakan itu. Saya tahu bahwa masalah tidak akan hilang dari kehidupan kita, karena hidup ini sendiri adalah masalah. Masalah adalah kesenjangan antara harapan dan kenyataan. Harapan kita bahagia dunia akherat, tapi kenyataannya kita baru berada di dunia dan akan mencapai akhirat. Tapi kita tidak bisa lari dari masalah, karena kemanapun kita lari tujuan kita hanya satu yaitu Akhirat Kebahagiaan yang sempurna. Maka saya sarankan Tetap Berkarya dengan iklas, lakukan yang terbaik dan biarkan Tuhan mengatur semua kehidupan. Karena Tuhan adalah yang Maha Tahu apa yang akan terjadi dikemudian hari.

Ingat 7 Budi Utama: Jujur, Tanggungjawab, Visioner, Disiplin, Kerjasama, Adil dan Peduli (Agustian, A.G., ESQ).

Tidak mudah melakukan semua itu, dan belum tentu sayapun bisa melakukannya. Tapi saya yakin, jika melakukan itu akan mendapat kebahagiaan yang sempurna ... mudah-mudahan.

Nona: Kang, ada 6 yang saya rasa pribadi saya sudah berusaha melakukannya walaupun belum maksimal, tapi saya belum mampu untuk membangun kerjasama dengan baik. Akang pasti memahami apa yang saya rasakan,saya butuh pemulihan untuk mempercayai orang lain Kang.

Saya percaya setiap masalah pasti ada akhirnya, apakah saya bisa melewatinya sampai selesai saya tidak tahu. Setelah lepas dari lingkaran yang satu masuk ke lingkaran yang lain yang rasarnya sulit sekali keluar. Ada saat dimana saya seperti menyerah pada keadaan dan beralih pada urusan yg lain.

Dapatkah kita mengejar mimpi kita tanpa melibatkan orang lain? Visi pasti butuh Power. Kalau sekarang saya lemah bukan saja jiwa saya yang capek tapi tubuh saya juga ikut merasakan dampaknya. Sementara saya sekarang betul-betul berfungsi ganda Ibu Rumah Tangga dan Pegawai Full. Jadi Akang bisa bayangkan bagaimana saya sekarang ini. Abang saya sementara mempersiapkan diri untuk sekolah bulan depan ke luar negeri, jadi banyak masalah saya pendam sendiri. Banyak waktu dihabiskan didepan komputer. Saya berusaha untuk tidak menambah beban Abang. Saya sangat berterima kasih karena Akang mau mendengar curhat saya.

Akang: Kadang-kadang kita merasa bahwa kita sudah melakukan semuanya, bahkan merasa sudah sempurna. Kalau dengar cerita Nona, maka sebaiknya Nona bersyukur mendapatkan kelebihan dari orang lain, yang belum tentu orang lain akan mendapatkannya. Hidup ini memang berat, saya juga sama merasakan berat dan mungkin masalah yang dihadapi saya lebih berat dari masalah Nona. Banyak diluar sana yang ingin makanpun susah, atau ada makanan tapi tidak bisa memakannya. Banyak diluar sana yang ingin sekolah tapi tidak bisa sekolah karena tidak ada biaya, atau bisa sekolah tidak bisa mengikutinya karena sakit. Jadi, saya sarankan berikan yang terbaik kepada orang lain dan lupakan, walaupun orang tersebut tidak berterima kasih kepada kita atau bahkan membeci kita.

Nona tidak perlu berterima kasih kepada saya. Karena saya hanya menceritakan apa yang dialami saya sendiri dengan masalah tekanan di kantor, di rumah dan masalah ekonomi juga sangat besar menekan saya. Mungkin perlu Nona ketahui bahwa saat ini saya sedang mengalami cobaan yg bertubi-tubi. Saya hanya introspeksi ke dalam diri saya, dan berusaha merenungkannya, tapi saya harus terus bekerja dan berkarya karena saya punya tanggungjawab. Saya yakin Nona juga bisa ... kita perlu saling curhat.

Nona: Saya memang perlu belajar dari orang lain, kalo dari Akang yang ingin saya teladani adalah bagaimana tetap tersenyum walau dalam kesulitan, dan tidak ada yang tahu kalau tidak ditanya. Ternyata Akang lebih kuat menghadapi persoalan dari saya. Disetiap kesempatan berpose wajah Akang selalu ceria dan tidak tergambar ada masalah dalam hidup, mungkin karena usia dan pengalaman. Saya berharap suatu hari kelak saya juga bisa menjadi tempat curhat orang lain. Ada banyak rasa yang saya pendam, bagaimana bisa terus menyimpannya, saya sering menangis di tempat tidur saya, dan seorangpun tidak tahu apa yang saya rasakan. Tapi saya tetap percaya Tuhan menampung air mata saya. Saya sudah terbiasa puas dengan apa yang saya miliki, dalam hidup saya berusaha tidak membebani Abang dengan macam-macam masalah. Abang saya sangat mengandalkan saya dalam hidupnya, itu yang membuat saya merasa sangat berarti dalam hidup ini. Bagaimana dengan orang lain saya belum tahu apakah saya berarti bagi mereka. Mudah-mudahan hidup saya akan jauh lebih baik dari hari ini.

Kang, ini perkataan yang jujur dari diri saya, saya menulis ini tapi mata saya berkaca-kaca. Akang sahabat saya yang baik, yang terus mau mendengar keluhan saya, saya berdoa semoga istri, anak dan keluarga Akang selalu sehat. Kiranya Tuhan memberkati Akang dengan kekuatan dan kesehatan serta hikmat dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai imam dalam keluarga dan pelayan masyarakat. Amin. GBU

Akang: Terima kasih atas do'anya. Saya juga berdo'a untuk Nona. Sebenarnya saya gembira mendengar cerita bahwa Nona banyak tanggungjawab yang harus dilakukan baik untuk keluarga maupun di kantor. Mengapa saya gembira, karena dengan tanggungjawab itu berart Nona banyak tabungan kebaikannya. Seandainya semua itu dilakukan dengan Iklas, maka Nona adalah orang yang mensucikan dan menebarkan kebaikan, namun sebaliknya maka pengorbanan itu akan menjadi sia-sia karena kita merasa sudah berbuat baik tapi sebenarnya kebaikan itu tidak ada maknanya dalam hidup. Belajar iklas memang sulit, termasuk saya. Kadang-kadang kita selalu mengingat-ingat apa yang telah kita berikan kepada orang lain, dan menuntut agar orang lain membalasnya, maka jika orang lain tidak membalas kebaikan kita, kita merasa menyesal, mengapa kita berikan kebaikan itu. Mudah-mudahan Nona adalah salah seorang yang tidak pernah mengingat apa kebaikan yang telah kita berikan dan sedikitpun tidak meminta balasan atas kebaikan itu. "BERIKAN DAN LUPAKAN"

Nona: Amin...., Berikan dan Lupakan. Tujuan hidup saya tidak muluk-muluk, bisa membuat orang tersenyum. Tapi untuk Akang ketahui dalam sebulan ini saja saya sudah membuat 1 orang tersinggung dan 2 orang menangis. Saya sedih karena saya merasa image saya dimata orang lain jadi berubah. Ternyata yang saya anggap suatu kebenaran yang disampaikan dengan jujur tidak selalu dapat diterima orang lain. Tapi apakah saya harus terus diam?.

Akang: Jika boleh tahu, mengapa orang tersinggung dan bahkan ada yang nangis? Ada beberapa pepatan yang mungkin bisa direnungkan:
1) Perlakukanlah Orang Lain Sebagaimana Mestinya, Maka Anda Membantu Mewujudkan Berbagai Potensi Mereka. (Goethe),
2) Jika kita selalu melakukan hal yang sama selama ini, mungkin kita telah mengambil langkah yang salah.
(Charles Kettering),
3) Mereka mungkin bisa melupakan apa yang Anda katakan, tetapi mereka takkan pernah melupakan perasaan yang Anda timbulkan dalam hati mereka.
(Carl W. Buehener).
4) Jika masalah yang saya hadapi mengalami kebuntuan, maka saya akan beristighfar kepada Allah sebanyak seribu kali, atau kurang lebihnya sebanyak itu. Niscaya Allah akan membukakan jalan keluar.
(Ibnu Taimiyyah).
5) Selalu ada ruang untuk perbaikan dan koreksi diri; itu adalah ruangan terbesar di dalam rumah.
(louise Leber)
6) Aku berhati-hati dengan apa yang kuucapkan, karena aku tahu kata-kataku menjadi kenyataan.
7) Saya memerhatikan apa yang saya katakan dan mengirimkan cahaya positif serta niat positif dengan kata-kata saya.
8) Teman bukanlah matahari yang memancarkan sinar, tetapi dia bisa menciptakan gelap agar kita bisa terlihat.
9) Keajaiban terbesar yang pernah tercipta di dunia ialah banyaknya teman yang pernah kita miliki
10) Senyumlah untuk sekarang dan seterusnya agar temanmu ini tak akan susah untuk menemuimu. Karna senyuman seorang teman ialah senyuman terbaik di seluruh dunia.

Renungkan dan lakukan Proses Zero Mind (Agustian, A.G., ESQ). Saya yakin Nona bisa.

Mudah-mudahan cerita ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca yang mempunyai masalah yang sama atau dapat diambil hikmahnya. Amiin.


Rabu, Oktober 07, 2009


Edi Suwardiwijaya

Pest represents one of important constraint in course of agriculture in the world. In general more and more highly of expected quality and quantity productivity amount from a production process, hence more intensive of that production conducted. By conducting production process intensively followed by increasing of the problem of pest in general.
Implementations of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Indonesia have been started on 1969 that is with forming Crop Protection Institution which initially only representing Section of Eradication of Pest and Disease which under in Directorate of Agriculture Technique. In 1976 Crop Protection Institution improved to become Directorate of Crop Protection which now becomes Directorate of Food Crop Protection in overall Directorate General of Food Crop.
Formally applying of IPM just contained in REPELITA III year 1979 /1980 to 1983/ 1984 mentioning that: "Basically crop protection through IPM system. In this case, beside usage of resistance seed which pest and arrangement of crop rotation, also with usage of pesticide". Hereinafter in REPELITA V mentioned that: Steps to be conducted in crop protection to save food production by extending and upgrading quality and operation areas of IPM by improving role of society and farmer. In this case, beside usage of resistance seed which pest also conducted by arrangement of crop rotation and also usage of pesticide. IPM concept at that moment still in level of concepts and blaze the way small scale project for paddy. Though its positive result show things which are, but applying nationally still not yet been decided by government.
Government decision to apply IPM nationally just conducted formally after released of President Decree No. 3 Year 1986 ( INPRES 3 / 86) with enjoinment of usage 57 pesticide formulation to be used at paddy, and also important emphasizing observation to determine to need or not it application with pesticide. INPRES 3 / 86 also command training and counseling of Extension Worker and farmers group to increase skill. In Constitution of Law Number 12 Year 1992 about Plant Cultivation System, please mention that of crop protection conducted with IPM System and its conduct become society and government responsibility. IPM implementation strengthened again specified of Government Regulation No. 6 Year 1995 about Crop Protection.

National IPM Program (1989 – 1998)
For apply of INPRES 3 / 86, Bureau of National Development and Planning (BAPPENAS) constructively success of IPM National Program compile with FAO guide. Needed to financial aid conduct the program obtained from USAID during 1989 to 1992. During 1992 - 1993 budget of IPM National Program obtain get finance of World Bank loan which is allocated from Project of Training at Department of Agriculture. To continue of IPM National Program up to year 1998 the Government have obtained loan of World Bank and FAO give technical aid. The IPM National Program activities for example are compiling curriculum, design training methodologies, scheduling of training and field studies related to IPM like habitat study and pesticide impact to health of farmer. The IPM National Program these obtain gets big support and active participation, including providing some of budget, from Governor and Regent following overall each him.
On the initial of the IPM National Program Cycle-I (1989 - 1991) activity limited to centre produce of paddy in 6 Province that is West Java, Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta, North Sumatra and South Sulawesi. The sixth province yield rice not less than 70% supported national production, and pest problem always threat continuity of production. By then start to be introduced activity of Season-long Farmers Field School (FFS) on Paddy Integrated Pest Management (IPM on Paddy). On the next IPM National Program Cycle-II (1992 – 1998) ) executed in 12 provinces, with new province addition that is Aceh, Bali, West Sumatra, West Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi and Lampung.
Impel by successfulness of FFS-IPM on Paddy, Ministry of Agriculture ask of IPM Program also must be include cover other crop types that is soybean, upland vegetable (cabbage, potato, red pepper), and lowland vegetable especially shallot. Because application of insecticide at this is crop types too abundant. In soybean intensification areas sprayed by insecticide 4 to 5 times, sometimes until 8 times at the off season crop. Cabbage sprayed by insecticide 16 to 20 times, shallot until 20 times. The FFS-IPM Program at the commodities starts to be conducted in 1991.
Target and training step
At 1989 to 1991 target of amount of farmer and officer which must obtain get IPM Training shall be as follows: Pest Observer (PO) counted 1.000 people; Agriculture Extension Worker (AEW) counted 2.000 people; and farmer of paddy counted 100.000 people. Among 1992 to 1998 its target counted 3.000 PO’s, 6.000 AEW’s, and 600.000 farmers of paddy which have followed. By the end of program, amount of farmers of paddy the planned have followed training counted 800.000 people with 4.000 PO’s, and 8.000 AEW’s. This amount expected adequate enough to continue activity of IPM Training either from officer to farmer and also from farmer to farmer in the future.
The IPM Training for the PO conducted in Field of Training Facilities (FTF) which has been provided with practice area in the 2 ha rice field, class room, laboratory, dormitory, recreation, and sport facilities. They trained by IPM on paddy during 4 months (one season), later then practice counseling to farmers during 4 months, last return to FTF to follow training of IPM on “palawija” during 4 months. Hereinafter they disseminated to 6 province and conduct socializing of IPM, they referred as Field Facilitator-I (FF-I). At the same time with training of PL-I performed a Training of Trainer (TOT) Field Facilitator-II (FF-II) counted 90 PO’s in FTF Yogyakarta during 14 day with to assist PL-I in each province. In each province also founded FTF, which in West Java 3 FTF’s, Central Java 3 FTF’s, East Java 2 FTF’s, North Sumatra and each South Sulawesi 1 FTF. At formed next period also 6 new FTF each 1 FTF in additional province (Aceh, Bali, West Sumatra, West Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi and Lampung).
During one cycle in every FTF trained 50-60 the other PO’s by FF-I and assisted FF-II. Training method is equal to which conducted in Yogyakarta, that is 4 months training of IPM on paddy, counseling to farmers 4 months, 4 months training of IPM on “palawija”, 4 months IPM socialize, and 4 months study on University to graduate Diploma I Program on Crop Protection. Hereinafter they baled out to field to conduct Season-long Farmers Field School on Integrated Pest Management (FFS-IPM) intensively during 12 week (one season) which coordinated by FF-I and assisted FF-II. The FTF also conducted during 1 week training to all officers of AEW as FF-III in a few generations. To increase knowledge and skill base on facilitator, some PO which have been IPM trained re-called to follow TOT FFS-IPM and facilitator of participatory planning.

Season-long Farmers Field School on Integrated Pest Management
In the early conduct of bizarre heard Field School term enough among other society and also farmer. Developed FFS-IPM in Indonesia represents contribution meaning to farmers in Indonesia and in other nations. The FFS-IPM represent counseling method for the Integrated Pest Management implemented. Conditions of FFS must be (1) have participant and field facilitator, (2) participant practice or applying directly what studied in the field, (3) have curriculum, certificate and evaluation pass, and (4) step of execute are opening ceremonial, study, learn and practice, field trip or study tour and terminated with field day meeting.
Counseling method through FFS born by virtue of two fundamental challenges, that is ecology variety and role of farmer as manager (IPM expert) in its own farm. Integrated Pest Management operation of poured difficult through model counseling of habit (poster, discourse, seminar and is other), for example, because diversification ecology of tropic area, therefore absolute IPM have the character of locally. The IPM cooperates with nature and not opposes it. Effort alters farmer in order to become its farm manager or IPM expert basically represent development of human being. To go to good agriculture practice (GAP) and continuation represent itself farmer society capable to improve agriculture technology chronically. Marking of FFS-IPM shall be as follows:
1. Farmer and Facilitator citizen learn and respecting each other
2. Planning together by farmer group
3. Decision together by farmer group member
4. Way of learning through experience or Education Of Adult Methodology (Andragogy)
5. Conducting by itself, experiencing by itself, and find by itself
6. Training subjects and integrated practice in field
7. Learn facilities is field of agribusiness (Agro-ecosystem)
8. Training during one crop season (according to crop fenology)
9. Detailed curriculum and is integrated
10. Practical and easy materials, all purposes, and easy to find in the field
11. Democratic, togetherness, compatibility, participative, and responsibility.
Farm and field local agriculture ecology which is life and dynamic represent facilities learn especially, thereby in conduct of FFS-IPM provided by two plots of each treatment for the width of 1.000 m2 as practice farm. Plot which is one treated according to IPM, that is since chosening seed up to harvest as according to IPM technology, that is: (1) labouringly growth of healthy crop, (2) exploiting natural enemy, (3) using resistant varieties to pest and diseases, ( 4) using operation of physical, mechanic or controller by bio-pesticide, and (5) just to insecticide when needed it. While the other plot treated and managed according to habit of farmer, for example with usage of insecticide.
The FFS-IPM having a general purpose so that farmers of participant and facilitator can socialize IPM technology, so that FFS-IPM will stay alive and expand with support officer of PO, AEW, and local government officer. While target specially is:
(1) To Officer/Facilitator: In activity of FFS-IPM created the condition of to be experience, knowledge, skill of PO and AEW as guide of field useful in assisting Farmer become IPM Expert. Target of to PO and AEW is to start movement of IPM in a local area. Through FFS-IPM can be waked up a strong group and supporting each other between one with is other.
(2) To Farmers Participant: In activity of FFS-IPM, farmer group or society have a time to develop its membership through training process during one crop season or according to crop fenology. Farmer group of FFS-IPM analyze farm or field agro-ecosystem, discussing and presenting later, then make decision and executing it. Farmer also can learn to solve its problems through special topics with guide of field, and farmer study. Ability discuses, trouble-shooting, and organize obtained itself through to learn from experience represent very important ability and required to train other farmer. This experience will become progressively perfect if them later obtain get TOT for FFS-IPM Facilitator, so that ready to become Farmer Facilitator for FFS-IPM.
The IPM is not an activity package or message, but more than that, IPM is a strategy to manage growth of crop and its environment, so that can give maximal advantage. There are four management principle of IPM. Fourth have the character of supplely, so that can be used just where as according to situation of local farm. As for is fourth the principle is:
1. Healthy Cultivation Crop
2. Continuation and exploiting of natural enemy.
3. Periodic or weekly observation (according to crop fenology)
4. Farmer of IPM Expert
The FFS-IPM have to be conducted assiduously and meekly principality so that target of such can reach. As for important principalities which may not be neglected shall be as follows:
1. Agriculture Land as Main Facility of Learn of FFS-IPM
2. Learning Method by Experience
3. Study of Agro-Ecosystem
4. Method and Materials are Useful and Practical
5. Curriculum pursuant to required skill

So that purposes which have been phrased previously can reach, hence FFS-IPM has to be conducted with powered education principles of citizen farmer of participant of FFS-IPM. For that education/training have to be respective with everything that required by pertinent. Such principles, that is:
1. Subject of Technical: knowledge and skill
2. Subject of Relation Between Humanity: communications and interaction
3. Subject of Management: manager of its own farm
4. Learning Process through Experience: doing or conducting for experience

Figure 1. Learning by Experience Process

This training curriculum is a field oriented and experiential learning model. It applies education of adult approaches aimed at improving the knowledge and skills of participants throughout the entire cropping season. During this season long FFS-IPM; participants will be able to gain practical knowledge and skill from the special topics of IPM, agronomy, insect pest, crop diseases, natural enemy, augmentation and demonstration, and community development.
The IPM manage based on interaction among crop-pest-diseases and surrounding environment (insect-diseases-rat-weed-mollusk) and their natural enemy (spider-parasitic-snake-bird-and others). Healthy crop determined by the environment at surrounding (weather-soil-water-nutrients) and other harmful insects. There natural enemies will accompany harmful insects. Agro-ecosystem has been developing for long time ago. There is interaction in the ecosystem that has developed over the decades and it can destroy by intensive farming system, amongst are imbalance between soil and crop and between harmful pesticide use kill natural enemies. In understanding the factor and its interaction, it is important to know the ecosystem’s contribution to production. During training participants will look into these interactions within crops. Decision making in IPM requires ecosystem analysis. Participants have discussed how these ecosystem components interact. Ecosystem analysis will be done on weekly or according to crop fenology basis with set of activities, field observation and careful study of agro-ecosystem components. The result will be draw on a large sheet of papers and use it to discuss with participants. Group members actively participate in each step of observation, drawing, discussion and presentation. Presenter rotated each week so that everybody has equal change to learn.
Special topics in FFS-IPM were selected and prepared to complement knowledge and skill required in the areas of IPM. It is designed in very simple manner and easy to be carried out. These topics are interrelated with main training contents and become a part of main activities. The objective is to demonstrate various subjects with practical orientation and simulation with live species so that participants gain helpful experiences to convince farmers. During the training several subjects will be exercised through fieldworks and indoor activity. Special topic which studied for example:
1. Insect and Natural Enemy: Insect collection and identification, crop disease collection and identification, insect zoo (predator zoo, parasitic zoo, and others), insecticide effect on insects, spider, What that predator?, What that parasitic?, What that natural enemy?, life cycle and food web, insect damage prevention, rat damage prevention, growth rate of rat population, disease damage prevention, etc.
2. Crop anatomy: crop seed anatomy, tillering or growth ability of vegetative stage, growth ability of generative stage, root and plant vessel, growth of fruit and flower, etc.
3. Farm prediction and sampling: What that sampling?, calculation of sampling method, calculating average value, etc.
4. Soil ecology: content and nature of soil, recognizing is micro organism, what is organic materials, organic materials and physical nature of soil, hay problem and benefit, cleanse food-stuff, and problem of nutrients availability.
At activity of FFS-IPM also given group dynamics items, these activities are designed to allow participants to learn and understand in a creative learning atmosphere. Sharpening their perspectives by encouraging creativity and innovations is essential to IPM trainers. It strengthens group cohesion, maintain motivation and help participants develop organizational skill, and enhance team work and problem solving. Objectives group dynamics title for example:
1. Acquaintanceship and is chummy: enchain name, drawing face, make line, ship sink, samson-delilah etc.
2. Ice breaker: help to catch, break balloon, follow me, etc.
3. Creativity: nine dots, cut as many as possible, how many squares, nipper of paper, etc.
4. Cooperation: drawing house, play rope, each other trusting, guiding blind people, broken square etc.
5. Communication: drawing mask, come on draw, hearsay clinic, drawing together, massage relay, loss and profit etc.
6. Leadership and organization: training committee, case of manager, etc.
7. Planning: making “sate” (burned flesh jab), mowing marsh, etc.
Daily studying time started in the morning; require time 5 - 6 hours in minimum. Guidance of daily activity schedule as contained at tables below:

Table 1. Daily Tentative Schedule of the FFS-IPM
07.00-07.15 AM
Contract learn daylily / agreement of result learn today
07.15-08.00 AM
Field activity and observation of agro-ecosystem
08.00-10.00 AM
Drawing situation of agro-ecosystem, and sub-group discussion (analysis process)
10.00-1030 AM
Common discussion and decision making of group together
10.30-10.45 AM
10.45-11.15 AM
Group dynamic
11.15-11.45 AM
Special topic
11.45-12.00 AM
Performance evaluation today and Plan Follow-Up

To assist facilitator identify and also remember important factor which support successfulness and also evaluate the quality of FFS-IPM compiled by Matrix of Quality of covering; activity items, step of activity, note, and guide of quality. Activity items which have been specified by its quality standard are: (a) What this?, (2) Agro-ecosystem (weekly observation, ecosystem analysis, decision making, and farmer become IPM Expert, etc.), (3) special topics, (4) group dynamics, and (5) ballot-box test.

After National IPM Program (1999 – 2007)
After National IPM Program, conducting of FFS-IPM budgeted from National and District Revenue and Expense Budget, and also there private enterprise aid and expense of farmer group. In this time, Indonesia have expanded FFS-IPM at various commodity besides paddy among soybean, corn and others at fruits crop, and vegetable, and also have many collegiate of FFS-IPM as Farmer of IPM Expert. Succeeding of it FFS-IPM not merely bearing individual Farmer of IPM Expert, but in some place formed of self-supporting farmer institute and conduct activity of continuation like Organic Group Farmer, Agent Involve Group Farmer, Environment Friendly Group Farmer, etc. Successfulness training method of IPM through FFS-IPM adopted by other sector so that pop out other Field Schools like Field School of Climate, Field School of Estate, Field School of Forestry and others. In order to increase of national food crop production, in this time in Indonesia conducted Field Famer School on Integrated Crop Management (FFS-ICM) on Paddy, Maize and Soybean. According to FAO, activity of FFS-ICM represent the continuation from FFS-IPM. Epidemicly it migratory locust in East Nusa Tenggara, FFS is also adopted by FAO Aid Capacity Building Program in executing to improvement of officer and farmers knowledge through FFS-Migratory Locust Management.
At period 1999 to 2006, FFS-IPM continue to take place but do not counted at the time of National IPM Program, this matter caused by limited governmental budget. But that way successfulness of FFS-IPM in uplift skill and knowledge of farmer and have disseminated in all province in Indonesia, which very felt its benefit to support development of agriculture. Is pushed by fact in field, hence Minister of Agriculture programmed year 2007 as evocation year of FFS-IPM. This program follow-up readily budget activity of FFS-IPM counted 1.600 units on food and horticutural comodity.
FFS-IPM at the moment conducted in two methods, which are FFS-IPM group and wide scale. Scale group FFS-IPM followed by 25 farmers which not yet followed training with emphasis of subject to understanding of IPM concept. Wide scale of FFS-IPM is to represent continuation of group scale followed by 125 farmers with emphasis of subjects at development of IPM technology and science for the perception of production. FFS-IPM conduct of coordinated by 3 institutes, that is Directorate of Food Crop Protection (DFCP) Directorate General of Food Crop, Directorate of Horticulture Crop Protection (DHCP) Directorate General of Horticulture Crop, and Bureau of Human Resources (BHR).
In order to supporting and equalizing conducting of FFS-IPM hence as national standard have been compiled New General Guidance of FFS-IPM at paddy and horticulture crop. Guidance compiled by Senior Facilitators of FFS-IPM and IPM Experts coordinated by each Directorate and legalized by each Director-General.

Selasa, Oktober 06, 2009



oleh: Edi Suwardiwijaya


Mengidentifikasi opini masyarakat terhadap pemimpin dan pembangunan daerah yang ideal


1. Identifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan dan skala prioritas sektor pembangunan daerah yang perlu ditingkatkan dan mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah dan pimpinan

2. Identifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan dan skala prioritas pelayanan pemerintah daerah terhadap kebutuhan dan harapan masyarakat

3. Identifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan pemimpin sesuai dengan harapan masyarakat

KELUARAN (output):

1. Peta kekuatan dan kelemahan sektor pembangunan daerah yang ideal dan perlu diperhatikan berdasarkan skala prioritas menurut kelompok masyarakat:

  1. Kelompok Umur (15 – 25, 26 – 35, 36 – 45, 46 – 55 dan >55 Tahun)
  2. Kelompok Pendidikan (Tidak Tamat SD, SD, SLTP/SMP, SLTA/SMA, PT/D1/D3/S1, Pasca Sarjana/S2/S3)
  3. Kelompok Pekerjaan (Pengangguran, Karyawan Swasta, PNS, ABRI/Polri, Pedagang, Pengusaha Swasta, Petani/ Nelayan/ Peternak, Pelajar/ Mahasiswa)
  4. Kelompok Gender (Laki-laki dan Perempuan)
  5. Kelompok Tempat Tinggal (Pedesaan dan Perkotaan)
  6. Kombinasi antar kelompok a, b, c, d dan e.

2. Peta kebutuhan dan harapan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan pemerintah berdasarkan skala prioritas menurut kelompok masayarakat (point 1.a, b, c, d, e dan f).

3. Peta kekuatan dan kelemahan pemimpin daerah yang ideal sesuai dengan harapan menurut kelompok masyarakat (point 1.a, b, c, d, e dan f).

4. Strategi pencapaian sasaran pembangunan dan pemenuhan pemimpin daerah yang ideal sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat.

MASUKAN (input):

1. Data dasar monografi dan demografi desa lengkap

2. Hasil wawancara masyarakat responden yang cukup mewakili

3. Kecukupan waktu pelaksanaan

4. Ketersediaan dana dan alat-bahan

5. Organisasi pelaksana kegiatan (SDM: Pengumpul data, Pewawancara, Manajemen data, Analisis data, Administrasi)


1. Waktu dan Tempat

  1. Tempat kajian wilayah Kabupaten
  2. Waktu yang dibutuhkan 3 bulan (1,5 bulan pengumpulan data dan wawancara, 1 bulan manajemen data, 0,5 bulan analisis data dan pelaporan)

2. Metodologi

  1. Pengumpulan data dasar monografi dan demografi desa lengkap

- Data dasar dikumpulkan dari seluruh desa/kelurahan yang ada di kabupaten bersangkutan.

- Sumber data Pemda Kabupaten atau Kecamatan atau Desa yang bersangkutan

- Pengumpul adalah SDM yang telah mengetahui data monografi dan demografi

- Jenis data jumlah penduduk berdasarkan kelompok umur, gender, pendidikan, pekerjaan, jumlah dan jenis ORMAS, sarana-prasarana (sekolah/ pesantren/ tempat pendidikan, rumah sakit/ puskesmas/ pusat kesahatan masyarakat, jalan, tempat usaha, perkantoran dll., secara lengkap).

  1. Wawancara masyarakat responden yang cukup mewakili

- Wawancara dilakukan terhadap masyarakat/penduduk tetap yang ditentukan sebagai sampel responden yang mewakili

- Sampel responden yang mencukupi secara statistik diperlukan paling sedikit 10% dari jumlah penduduk.

- Sampel responden ditetapkan berdasarkan metode pengambilan sampel bertingkat (”Stratified Sampling Method”): (1) Tetapkan desa/kelurahan dari seluruh kecamatan berdasarkan kelompok Pedesaan dan Perkotaan, (2) Tetapkan desa/keluarahan berdasarkan jumlah penduduk (Banyak, Menengah dan Sedikit), (3) Setiap desa/kelurahan sampel ditetapkan 10% sampel responden dengan ketentuan memenuhi 10% berdasarkan kelompok umur, 10% dari kelompok pendididkan, 10% dari kelompok gender, 10% dari kelompok pekerjaan, 10% dari kelompok pelajar/mahasiswa. Dengan demikian semua lapisan masyarakat dapat terwakili oleh sampel responden.

- Pokok-pokok isi wawancara, meliputi: Identitas (Nama, alamat, umur, gender, pendidikan, pekerjaan), kondisi pembangunan saat ini, proiritas pembangunan, kondisi pelayanan pemerintah saat ini (pendidikan, kesehatan, keamanan, ekonomi kerakyatan), pelayanan pemerintah yang diharapkan, keadaan pemimpin daerah saat ini, pemimpin ideal yang diharapkan, informasi adanya pilkada (waktu, bakal calon, sumber informasi), opini masyarakat tentang bakal calon, alasan memilih bakal calon tertentu, kombinasi idel bakal calon pemimpin dan wakil.

- Wawancara dilakukan secara tertutup, yaitu Pewawancara harus sudah menguasai materi wawancara, sehingga pada saat mewawancarai tidak memegang dan membaca formulir kuisioner, mengisi kuisioner dialakukan setelahnya. Dengan cara ini informasi yang diberikan lebih realistis karena responden tidak merasa sedang diwawancarai.

  1. Analisis data

- Metode Statistik Non-parametrik (Croos-tabulasian analysis, Tabel-Contingency, Chi-Square, Sperman-rho dll.)

- Metode Statistik Parametrik (Regresi – muliti regresi, Korelasi – matrik korelasi dll.)

- Metode Kualitatif (Correspondensi Analysis)

- Metode Analisis Strategi (SWOT)

  1. Pemetaan Spasial (GIS)

- Peta penyebaran penduduk berdasarkan kelompok

- Peta keadaan pembangunan

- Peta strategi pencapaian sasaran pembangunan dan pelayanan pemerintah

3. Pelaksana

a. Petugas Pengumpul data dasar

- 1 orang Penanggungjawab Pengumpulan data dasar

- 9 orang Pengumpul data dasar

b. Petuga Pewawancara

- 1 orang Penanggungjawab Wawancara

- 5 orang Ketua Kelompok Pewawancara

- 24 orang Pewawancara

c. Petugas Manajemen data

- 1 orang Panggungjawab Manajemen data

- 4 orang Petugas Manajemen data

d. Petugas Analisis data

- 1 orang Peneliti Ahli

- 1 orang Asisten Peneliti